Ordering Designs

Dear Followers,
    I have decided to create a place where you can easily order peoples designs or even collections. I will post pictures of the designs along with the person you get them from but first I need the designers approval. Since this is a new feature to the blog I haven't found anyone just yet. However, I gave myself permission to feature my designs. So for right now you can only order my designs but later on I will have tons of designer you can order from. Designs will all be at fixed unnegotiable prices. As your order form do not send me an email simply post a comment in the form of the order form.

Order Form:
(In order to complete an order you must fill out this form *you can copy and paste the form*)

From which designer would you like to purchase from:
What design number do you want:

I will have pictures of designs that you can purchase very very soon!
